✨ Sunday Refresh ✨
i mentioned in my story on my social media yesterday how my routine has been outta whack with the move to Italy, and I was determined to get it back! So, this is what I’m focusing on to set me up for success this week.
1️⃣ Set Your Intentions: Take 10 minutes to outline your main goals for the week. Whether it’s hitting the gym, prioritising sleep, or staying on track with nutrition, having a clear plan makes all the difference.
2️⃣ Organise Your Environment: Tidy up your space, prep your meals, and set up your workout gear. A clutter-free environment = a clutter-free mind.
3️⃣ Prioritise Self-Care: Schedule time for yourself, whether it’s a morning workout, an evening stretch, or just a good night’s sleep. Literally stick it in your diary to time stamp it, don’t just write it down. When you feel your best, you perform your best.
So whether you feeling ready for the week ahead, or have you got the Sunday scaries, trying these 3 things too should set you up for a good week ahead 💖
What are you focusing on this week—fitness, sleep, or nutrition?